利用云南数字地震台网和腾冲火山台网记录的2011 年1 ~ 12 月震相数据,采用Hypo2000、HypoDD 定位方法对2011 年盈江MS5. 8 地震序列的前震、余震进行了重新定位。定位结果显示地震分布较定位前更为集中。前震活动主要沿大盈江断裂呈NE 走向分布。余震呈共轭分布:一支沿大盈江断裂呈NE 向分布,另一支沿垂直于大盈江断裂的隐伏错断呈SSE向分布。余震分布存在着稀疏段落,可能对应着前震主要破裂区域。
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On the basis of earthquake phases recorded by the Yunnan Digital Seismic Network and the Tengchong volcano broadband seismic instruments in January ~ December,2011 and the location results by Hypo2000 absolute location methods as the initial value,we obtained the locations of the foreshocks and aftershocks of MS 5. 8 Yingjiang sequence with double-difference location method. Our results show that the relocated aftershocks have a conjugate characteristic: earthquakes dominantly occurred along the Dayingjiang fault in ENE direction and another extended toward the SSE along a blind fault which was vertical to the Dayingjiang fault. The seismicity gap of aftershocks happens to be the foreshocks intensive areas.