2014 年2 月12 日17 时19 分(北京时间),新疆于田县发生7. 3 级地震。根据现场调查,本次地震最大烈度为Ⅸ度。灾区曾遭受过2008 年于田7. 3 级地震灾害的严重影响,之后近6 年来大力推进的安居富民工程发挥的重要作用,是本次地震没有造成人员伤亡的重要原因。通过将2008 年、2014 年两次于田7. 3 级地震抗震安居房和安居富民房面积替换为安居工程改造前的简易房屋计算抗震房减灾效益可以看出,相对于2008 年于田7. 3 级地震,本次地震由于灾区覆盖率较高,居住房的经济损失减少3. 8 亿元,恢复重建经费减少12. 9 亿元,失去住所户数减少1 万户。
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An earthquake with magnitude 7. 3 occurred on February 12,2014 (Beijing time 17: 19 p. m. ),in Yutian county,Xinjiang. According to the field survey,the highest intensity of this earthquake was Ⅸ degree. The disaster area has suffered from the Yutian M 7. 3 earthquake disaster seriously in 2008. The six years of the construction of earthquake resistance project played an important role in this earthquake in terms of the absence of casualties. By calculating the efficiency gained in the substitution of the simple housing areas before the transform for those in the earthquake relief projects in the Yutian M 7. 3 earthquake in 2008 and 2014,it can be concluded that compared with the Yutian M 7. 3 earthquake in 2008,the quake in 2014 has 3. 8 hundred million yuan (RMB) less in the loss of residential buildings,1. 29 billion yuan (RMB) less in the reconstruction,and 10000 homeless households fewer,in spite that the disaster area is larger.