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关键词:  地电阻率  风力发电  设备检修  架空导线
Analysis of geoelectric resistivity change caused by maintenance of wind power generation equipment
Gaoyou general Station of huai’an Center Station
China is vigorously promoting wind power, and wind power facilities inevitably overlap with the observation area of some geoelectric resistivity, which puts forward new requirements and challenges for environmental protection of geoelectric observation. In this paper, according to the change of ground resistivity observation data during the maintenance of wind power generation equipment at Linze station, combined with the abnormal implementation work and investigation, it is confirmed that the data change is caused by grounding of both ends of overhead conductor for wind power equipment maintenance, and the mechanism is analyzed.The three-dimensional finite element model is established according to the data, To study the influence of such interference on geoelectric resistivity at different distances and different observation devices. The results show that: the effective distance to avoid this kind of interference is given by numerical simulation;Increasing the buried depth of the electrode can suppress this kind of interference. In the future construction of geoelectric observation system, the research results of this paper can provide specific reference for the site selection of stations in wind power generation areas, the selection of layout methods of observation devices, and the analysis of the influence of wind power equipment maintenance on observation and the tracking analysis of data anomalies.
Key words:  Geoelectric resistivity  Wind power  Equipment maintenance  Overhead conductor